Letter R
Packages beginning with letter "R".
- R - A language for data analysis and graphics
- R-core - The minimal R components necessary for a functional runtime
- R-devel - Files for development of R packages
- R-java - R with Fedora provided Java Runtime Environment
- R-java-devel - Development package for use with Java enabled R components
- radeontool - Backlight and video output configuration tool for radeon cards
- radiotray - Radio Tray is a streaming player for listening to online radios
- radvd - A Router Advertisement daemon
- raptor - Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
- raptor-devel - Libraries, includes etc to develop with Raptor RDF parser library
- raptor2 - RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
- raptor2-devel - Development files for raptor2
- rar - RAR archiver to create and manage RAR archives
- rarian - Documentation meta-data library
- rarian-compat - Extra files for compatibility with scrollkeeper
- rarian-devel - Development files for Rarian
- rasqal - RDF Query Library
- rasqal-devel - Development files for the Rasqal RDF libraries
- razorqt - Razor a lightweight desktop toolbox
- razorqt-about - GUI to provide basic info about DE
- razorqt-appswitcher - Razor-qt running application switcher
- razorqt-autosuspend - Razor-qt power management
- razorqt-config - Razor-qt config tools
- razorqt-data - Razor-qt resources and shared data
- razorqt-desktop - Razor-qt desktop component
- razorqt-devel - Razor-qt development package
- razorqt-globalkeyshortcuts - Razor-qt global keyboard shortcuts tool
- razorqt-libraries - Common libraries and binaries for the Razor-qt
- razorqt-notifications - Razor-qt notification daemon
- razorqt-openssh-askpass - Razor-qt openssh ask password interface
- razorqt-panel - Razor-qt panel and its plugins
- razorqt-policykit-agent - A lightweight PolicyKit agent/user interface
- razorqt-power - Razor-qt power management component
- razorqt-runner - Razor-qt quick launch and runner application
- razorqt-session - Razor-qt session manager
- rb_libtorrent - A C++ BitTorrent library aiming to be the best alternative
- rb_libtorrent-devel - Development files for rb_libtorrent
- rb_libtorrent-examples - Example clients using rb_libtorrent
- rb_libtorrent-python - Python bindings for rb_libtorrent
- rcs - Revision Control System (RCS) file version management tools
- rdate - Tool for getting the date/time from a remote machine
- rdesktop - X client for remote desktop into Windows Terminal Server
- rdist - Maintains identical copies of files on multiple machines.
- readahead - Read a preset list of files into memory
- readline - A library for editing typed command lines
- readline-devel - Files needed to develop programs which use the readline library
- realcrypt - Cross platform disk encryption software
- recode - Conversion between character sets and surfaces
- recode-devel - Header files and static libraries for development using recode
- recordmydesktop - Desktop session recorder with audio and video
- redhat-lsb - LSB base libraries support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- redhat-lsb-graphics - LSB graphics libraries support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- redhat-lsb-printing - LSB printing libraries support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- redhat-menus - Configuration and data files for the desktop menus
- redhat-rpm-config - Red Hat specific rpm configuration files
- redland - RDF Application Framework
- redland-devel - Libraries and header files for programs that use Redland
- redland-mysql - MySQL storage support for Redland
- redland-pgsql - PostgreSQL storage support for Redland
- redland-virtuoso - Virtuoso storage support for Redland
- redshift - Adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to time of day
- referencer - A document organiser and bibliography manager for Gnome
- regexp - Simple regular expressions API
- regionset - Reads/sets the region code of DVD drives
- reiserfs-utils - Tools for creating, repairing, and debugging ReiserFS filesystems
- rekonq - KDE browser based on QtWebkit
- relaxngDatatype - RELAX NG Datatype API
- relaxngDatatype-javadoc - Javadoc for relaxngDatatype
- remmina - Remote Desktop Client
- remmina-devel - Development files for remmina
- remmina-plugins-common - Common files for Remmina Remote Desktop Client plugins
- remmina-plugins-gnome - GNOME keyring integration for Remmina Remote Desktop Client
- remmina-plugins-nx - NX plugin for Remmina Remote Desktop Client
- remmina-plugins-rdp - RDP plugin for Remmina Remote Desktop Client
- remmina-plugins-telepathy - Telepathy plugin for Remmina Remote Desktop Client
- remmina-plugins-vnc - VNC plugin for Remmina Remote Desktop Client
- remmina-plugins-xdmcp - XDMCP plugin for Remmina Remote Desktop Client
- report - Incident reporting library
- report-config-bugzilla-redhat-com - Config for reporter to bugzilla.redhat.com
- report-config-ftp - Config for reporter to ftp
- report-config-localsave - Config for reporter to ftp
- report-config-scp - Config for reporter to ftp
- report-gtk - GTK IO for reporting library
- report-newt - Newt IO for reporting library
- report-plugin-bugzilla - Plugin template reporter to bugzilla
- report-plugin-ftp - Plugin template reporter to ftp
- report-plugin-localsave - Plugin template reporter to local directory
- report-plugin-scp - Plugin template reporter to scp
- repoview - Creates a set of static HTML pages in a yum repository
- reptyr - Attach a running process to a new terminal
- rest - A library for access to RESTful web services
- rest-devel - Development package for rest
- revelation - Password manager for GNOME 2
- rfkill - A tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices
- rhino - JavaScript for Java
- rhythmbox - Music Management Application
- rhythmbox-devel - Development files for Rhythmbox plugins
- rhythmbox-lirc - LIRC (Infrared remote) plugin for Rhythmbox
- rhythmbox-upnp - UPNP/DLNA plugin for Rhythmbox
- rkhunter - A host-based tool to scan for rootkits, backdoors and local exploits
- rlog - Runtime Logging for C++
- rlog-debuginfo - Debug information for package rlog
- rlog-devel - Runtime Logging for C++ - development files
- rmt - Provides certain programs with access to remote tape devices
- rng-tools - Random number generator related utilities
- rocs - Graph Theory IDE
- rocs-devel - Development files for rocs
- rocs-libs - Runtime files for rocs
- rootfiles - The basic required files for the root user's directory
- rpcbind - Universal Addresses to RPC Program Number Mapper
- rpm - The RPM package management system
- rpm-apidocs - API documentation for RPM libraries
- rpm-build - Scripts and executable programs used to build packages
- rpm-build-libs - Libraries for building and signing RPM packages
- rpm-cron - Create daily logs of installed packages.
- rpm-devel - Development files for manipulating RPM packages
- rpm-libs - Libraries for manipulating RPM packages
- rpm-python - Python bindings for apps which will manipulate RPM packages
- rpm-sign - Package signing support
- rpmdevtools - RPM Development Tools
- rpmfusion-free-release - RPM Fusion (free) Repository Configuration
- rpmfusion-nonfree-release - RPM Fusion (nonfree) Repository Configuration
- rrdtool - Round Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series data
- rrdtool-devel - RRDtool libraries and header files
- rrdtool-perl - Perl RRDtool bindings
- rsh - Clients for remote access commands (rsh, rlogin, rcp)
- rsnapshot - Local and remote filesystem snapshot utility
- rss-glx - Really Slick Screensavers
- rss-glx-gnome-screensaver - Really Slick Screensavers
- rss-glx-kde - Really Slick Screensavers
- rss-glx-xscreensaver - Really Slick Screensavers
- rsync - A program for synchronizing files over a network
- rsyslog - Enhanced system logging and kernel message trapping daemon
- rt61pci-firmware - Firmware for Ralink® RT2561/RT2661 A/B/G network adaptors
- rt73usb-firmware - Firmware for Ralink® RT2571W/RT2671 A/B/G network adaptors
- rtkit - Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon
- rtmpdump - Toolkit for RTMP streams
- rtorrent - BitTorrent client based on libtorrent
- ruby - An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
- ruby-augeas - Ruby bindings for Augeas
- ruby-caca - Ruby bindings for libcaca
- ruby-devel - A Ruby development environment
- ruby-doc - Documentation for ruby
- ruby-irb - The Interactive Ruby
- ruby-ldap - Ruby LDAP libraries
- ruby-libs - Libraries necessary to run Ruby
- ruby-openbabel - Ruby wrapper for the Open Babel library
- ruby-rdoc - A tool to generate documentation from Ruby source files
- ruby-shadow - Ruby bindings for shadow password access
- ruby-tcltk - Tcl/Tk interface for scripting language Ruby
- rubygem-actionmailer - Service layer for easy email delivery and testing
- rubygem-actionpack - Web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC
- rubygem-activerecord - Implements the ActiveRecord pattern for ORM
- rubygem-activeresource - Active Record for web resources
- rubygem-activesupport - Support and utility classes used by the Rails framework
- rubygem-bigdecimal - BigDecimal provides arbitrary-precision floating point decimal arithmetic
- rubygem-daemons - A toolkit to create and control daemons in different ways
- rubygem-fastthread - Optimized replacement for thread.rb primitives
- rubygem-flexmock - Mock object library for ruby
- rubygem-gem_plugin - A plugin system based only on rubygems that uses dependencies only
- rubygem-gettext - RubyGem of Localization Library and Tools for Ruby
- rubygem-gettext_activerecord - Localization support for ActiveRecord by Ruby-GetText-Package
- rubygem-io-console - IO/Console is a simple console utilizing library
- rubygem-json - This is a JSON implementation as a Ruby extension in C
- rubygem-locale - Pure ruby library which provides basic APIs for localization
- rubygem-locale_rails - Ruby-Locale for Ruby on Rails
- rubygem-minitest - Minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities.
- rubygem-rack - Common API for connecting web frameworks, web servers and layers of software
- rubygem-rails - Web-application framework
- rubygem-rake - Ruby based make-like utility
- rubygem-rdoc - A tool to generate HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects
- rubygems - The Ruby standard for packaging ruby libraries
- rubygems-devel - Macros and development tools for packaging RubyGems
- rvm-ruby - Ruby Version Manager
- rxvt-unicode - Unicode version of rxvt
- rxvt-unicode-256color - 256 color version of rxvt-unicode
- rxvt-unicode-256color-ml - 256 color multi-language version of rxvt-unicode
- rxvt-unicode-ml - Multi-language version of rxvt-unicode