Letter D
Packages beginning with letter "D".
- DevIL - A cross-platform image library
- DevIL-ILUT - The libILUT component of DevIL
- DevIL-ILUT-devel - Development files for the libILUT component of DevIL
- DevIL-devel - Development files for DevIL
- DeviceKit-power - Power Management Service
- Django - A high-level Python Web framework
- dansguardian - Content filtering web proxy
- dash - Small and fast POSIX-compliant shell
- davmail - DavMail is a POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP gateway for Microsoft Exchange
- db4 - The Berkeley DB database library (version 4) for C
- db4-cxx - The Berkeley DB database library (version 4) for C++
- db4-devel - C development files for the Berkeley DB (version 4) library
- db4-devel-static - Berkeley DB (version 4) static libraries
- db4-java - Development files for using the Berkeley DB (version 4) with Java
- db4-tcl - Development files for using the Berkeley DB (version 4) with tcl
- db4-utils - Command line tools for managing Berkeley DB (version 4) databases
- dblatex - DocBook to LaTeX/ConTeXt Publishing
- dbus - D-BUS message bus
- dbus-1-java - Java bindings for D-BUS
- dbus-c++ - Native C++ bindings for D-Bus
- dbus-c++-devel - Development files for dbus-c++
- dbus-devel - Development files for D-BUS
- dbus-doc - Developer documentation for D-BUS
- dbus-glib - GLib bindings for D-Bus
- dbus-glib-devel - Libraries and headers for the D-Bus GLib bindings
- dbus-libs - Libraries for accessing D-BUS
- dbus-python - D-Bus Python Bindings
- dbus-python-devel - Libraries and headers for dbus-python
- dbus-sharp - C# bindings for D-Bus
- dbus-sharp-devel - Development files for D-Bus Sharp
- dbus-sharp-glib - C# bindings for D-Bus glib main loop integration
- dbus-sharp-glib-devel - Development files for D-Bus Sharp
- dbus-x11 - X11-requiring add-ons for D-BUS
- dbusmenu-qt - A Qt implementation of the DBusMenu protocol
- dbusmenu-qt-devel - Development files for dbusmenu-qt
- dconf - A configuration system
- dconf-devel - Header files and libraries for dconf development
- dconf-editor - Configuration editor for dconf
- ddskk - Daredevil SKK - Simple Kana to Kanji conversion program for Emacs
- deadbeef - A music player with cue sheet support
- deadbeef-devel - Development files for Deadbeef music player
- deja-dup - Simple backup tool and frontend for duplicity
- dejagnu - A front end for testing other programs
- dejavu-fonts-common - Common files for the Dejavu font set
- dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts - Variable-width sans-serif font faces, Latin-Greek-Cyrillic subset
- dejavu-lgc-sans-mono-fonts - Monospace sans-serif font faces, Latin-Greek-Cyrillic subset
- dejavu-lgc-serif-fonts - Variable-width serif font faces, Latin-Greek-Cyrillic subset
- dejavu-sans-fonts - Variable-width sans-serif font faces
- dejavu-sans-mono-fonts - Monospace sans-serif font faces
- dejavu-serif-fonts - Variable-width serif font faces
- deltaiso - Create deltas between isos containing rpms
- deltarpm - Create deltas between rpms
- deluge - A GTK+ BitTorrent client with support for DHT, UPnP, and PEX
- deluge-common - Files common to Deluge sub packages
- deluge-console - CLI to Deluge
- deluge-daemon - The Deluge daemon
- deluge-gtk - The gtk UI to Deluge
- deluge-images - Image files for deluge
- deluge-web - Web interface to Deluge
- deskbar-applet - A Gnome applet to allow easy access to various search engines
- deskbar-applet-devel - Development files for deskbar-applet
- desktop-backgrounds-basic - Desktop backgrounds
- desktop-backgrounds-compat - Desktop backgrounds from previous Fedora releases
- desktop-effects - Switch GNOME window management and effects
- desktop-file-utils - Utilities for manipulating .desktop files
- desmume - A Nintendo DS emulator
- desmume-cli - A Nintendo DS emulator (CLI version)
- desmume-glade - A Nintendo DS emulator (Glade GUI version)
- dev86 - A real mode 80x86 assembler and linker
- devede - A program to create video DVDs and CDs (VCD, sVCD or CVD)
- devhelp - API documention browser
- device-mapper - Device mapper utility
- device-mapper-devel - Development libraries and headers for device-mapper
- device-mapper-event - Device-mapper event daemon
- device-mapper-event-devel - Development libraries and headers for the device-mapper event daemon
- device-mapper-event-libs - Device-mapper event daemon shared library
- device-mapper-libs - Device-mapper shared library
- device-mapper-multipath - Tools to manage multipath devices using device-mapper
- device-mapper-multipath-libs - The device-mapper-multipath modules and shared library
- dgen-sdl - A Sega Genesis (MegaDrive outside the US) emulator
- dhclient - Provides the dhclient ISC DHCP client daemon and dhclient-script
- dia - Diagram drawing program
- dia-CMOS - Dia CMOS Shapes
- dia-Digital - Dia Digital IC logic shapes
- dia-electric2 - Dia Digital IC logic shapes
- dia-electronic - Dia Digital IC logic shapes
- dia-optics - Dia Optics shapes
- dialog - A utility for creating TTY dialog boxes
- diffuse - Graphical tool for comparing and merging text files
- diffutils - A GNU collection of diff utilities
- dirac-devel - Development files for dirac
- dirac-libs - Libraries for dirac
- directfb - Graphics abstraction library for the Linux Framebuffer Device
- directfb-devel - Development files for DirectFB
- dirsplit - Utility to split directories
- distcache - Distributed SSL session cache
- distcache-devel - Development tools for distcache distributed session cache
- django-tagging - A generic tagging application for Django projects
- djvulibre - DjVu viewers, encoders, and utilities
- djvulibre-devel - Development files for DjVuLibre
- djvulibre-libs - Library files for DjVuLibre
- djvulibre-mozplugin - Mozilla plugin for DjVuLibre
- dkms - Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework
- dkms-rt3090 - dkms package for rt3090 driver
- dmenu - Generic menu for X
- dmidecode - Tool to analyse BIOS DMI data
- dmraid - dmraid (Device-mapper RAID tool and library)
- dmraid-events - dmevent_tool (Device-mapper event tool) and DSO
- dmz-cursor-themes - X cursors themes
- dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP/caching DNS server
- docbook-dtds - SGML and XML document type definitions for DocBook
- docbook-style-dsssl - Norman Walsh's modular stylesheets for DocBook
- docbook-style-xsl - Norman Walsh's XSL stylesheets for DocBook XML
- docbook-utils - Shell scripts for managing DocBook documents
- docbook-utils-pdf - A script for converting DocBook documents to PDF format
- docbook2X - Convert docbook into man and Texinfo
- docbook2X-debuginfo - Debug information for package docbook2X
- docbook5-style-xsl - Norman Walsh's XSL stylesheets for DocBook 5.X
- dockbarx - A TaskBar with grouping and group manipulation
- docky - Advanced shortcut bar written in Mono
- docky-devel - Development files for docky
- dolphin-emu - Gamecube / Wii / Triforce Emulator
- dom4j - Open Source XML framework for Java
- dom4j-demo - Samples for dom4j
- dom4j-javadoc - Javadoc for dom4j
- dom4j-manual - Manual for dom4j
- dos2unix - Text file format converters
- dosbox - x86/DOS emulator with sound and graphics
- dosemu - DOS Emulator for Linux
- dosfstools - Utilities for making and checking MS-DOS FAT filesystems on Linux
- dotconf - Libraries to parse configuration files
- dotconf-devel - Development files for dotconf
- doxygen - A documentation system for C/C++
- doxygen-doxywizard - A GUI for creating and editing configuration files
- doxygen-latex - Support for producing latex/pdf output from doxygen
- dracut - Initramfs generator using udev
- dracut-caps - Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs which drops capabilities
- dracut-fips - Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with an integrity check
- dracut-fips-aesni - Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with an integrity check with aesni-intel
- dracut-network - Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with network support
- dracut-tools - Dracut tools to build the local initramfs
- dragon - Media player
- driconf - A configuration applet for the Direct Rendering Infrastructure
- drm-utils - Direct Rendering Manager utilities
- drpmsync - Sync a file tree with deltarpms
- dssi - Disposable Soft Synth Interface
- dssi-calf-plugins - Calf plugins in DSSI format
- dssi-devel - Libraries, includes, etc to develop DSSI applications
- dssi-examples - DSSI plugin examples
- dtc - Device Tree Compiler
- dump - Programs for backing up and restoring ext2/ext3 filesystems
- dumpet - A tool to dump and debug bootable CD images
- duplicity - Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup using rsync algorithm
- dvb-apps - Utility, demo and test applications using the Linux DVB API
- dvd+rw-tools - Toolchain to master DVD+RW/+R media
- dvdauthor - Command line DVD authoring tool
- dvgrab - Utility to capture video from a DV camera
- dvipdfm - A DVI to PDF translator
- dvipdfmx - A DVI to PDF translator
- dvipng - Converts DVI files to PNG/GIF format
- dwarves - Debugging Information Manipulation Tools
- dzen2 - A general purpose messaging and notification program