Jump to letter: [
Cython -
A language for writing Python extension modules
VirtualBox-OSE -
A general-purpose full virtualizer for PC hardware
allegro-tools -
Extra tools for the Allegro programming library
ant -
Build tool for java
ant-antlr -
Optional antlr tasks for ant
ant-apache-bcel -
Optional apache bcel tasks for ant
ant-apache-bsf -
Optional apache bsf tasks for ant
ant-apache-log4j -
Optional apache log4j tasks for ant
ant-apache-oro -
Optional apache oro tasks for ant
ant-apache-regexp -
Optional apache regexp tasks for ant
ant-apache-resolver -
Optional apache resolver tasks for ant
ant-apache-xalan2 -
Optional apache xalan2 tasks for ant
ant-commons-logging -
Optional commons logging tasks for ant
ant-commons-net -
Optional commons net tasks for ant
ant-javamail -
Optional javamail tasks for ant
ant-jdepend -
Optional jdepend tasks for ant
ant-jmf -
Optional jmf tasks for ant
ant-jsch -
Optional jsch tasks for ant
ant-junit -
Optional junit tasks for ant
ant-manual -
Manual for ant
ant-scripts -
Additional scripts for ant
ant-swing -
Optional swing tasks for ant
ant-testutil -
Test utility classes for ant
antlr-manual -
Manual for antlr
antlr-tool -
ANother Tool for Language Recognition
apache-commons-collections-testframework -
Testframework for apache-commons-collections
apr-api-docs -
Apache Portable Runtime API documentation
autoconf -
A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code
autoconf213 -
A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code
autogen -
Automated text file generator
automake -
A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
automake14 -
A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
automoc -
Automatic moc for Qt 4
bakefile -
A cross-platform, cross-compiler native makefiles generator
binutils -
A GNU collection of binary utilities
bison -
A GNU general-purpose parser generator
blender-rpm-macros -
RPM macros to build third-party blender addons packages
bluefish -
GTK2 web development application for experienced users
bluefish-shared-data -
Architecture-independent data for bluefish
boost-build -
Cross platform build system for C++ projects
boost-jam -
A low-level build tool
buildsys-build-fuduntu -
Tools and files used by the fuduntu buildsys
buildsys-build-fuduntu-kerneldevpkgs-current -
Meta-package to get all current kernel-devel packages into the buildroot
byacc -
Berkeley Yacc, a parser generator
bzr -
Friendly distributed version control system
cairo-tools -
Development tools for cairo
ccache -
C/C++ compiler cache
check -
A unit test framework for C
chrpath -
Modify rpath of compiled programs
cmake -
Cross-platform make system
cmake-gui -
Qt GUI for cmake
codeblocks -
An open source, cross platform, free C++ IDE
codeblocks-contrib -
Additional Code::Blocks plug-ins
compat-flex -
Legacy version of flex, a tool for creating scanners
cryptopp-progs -
Programs for manipulating cryptopp routines
ctags -
A C programming language indexing and/or cross-reference tool
ctemplate -
A simple but powerful template language for C++
cvs -
Concurrent Versions System
cvs-contrib -
Unsupported contributions collected by CVS developers
cvs-inetd -
CVS server configuration for xinetd
dejagnu -
A front end for testing other programs
desktop-file-utils -
Utilities for manipulating .desktop files
devhelp -
API documention browser
diffuse -
Graphical tool for comparing and merging text files
doxygen -
A documentation system for C/C++
drm-utils -
Direct Rendering Manager utilities
dtc -
Device Tree Compiler
dumpet -
A tool to dump and debug bootable CD images
dwarves -
Debugging Information Manipulation Tools
elfutils -
A collection of utilities and DSOs to handle compiled objects
elfutils-devel -
Development libraries to handle compiled objects
elfutils-devel-static -
Static archives to handle compiled objects
elfutils-libelf -
Library to read and write ELF files
elfutils-libelf-devel -
Development support for libelf
elfutils-libelf-devel-static -
Static archive of libelf
elfutils-libs -
Libraries to handle compiled objects
epydoc -
Automatic API documentation generation tool for Python
fakechroot -
Gives a fake chroot environment
fakechroot-libs -
Gives a fake chroot environment (libraries)
fakeroot -
Gives a fake root environment
fakeroot-libs -
Gives a fake root environment (libraries)
flex -
A tool for creating scanners (text pattern recognizers)
flex-static -
Libraries for flex scanner generator
geany -
A fast and lightweight IDE using GTK2
geany-devel -
Header files for building Geany plug-ins
geany-plugins-addons -
Miscellaneous Addons for Geany
geany-plugins-codenav -
Navigate through your source code easily
geany-plugins-common -
Common files used by all geany plugins
geany-plugins-geanydoc -
Call documentation from within Geany
geany-plugins-geanyextrasel -
Additional features for selecting code
geany-plugins-geanygdb -
Debugger Plugin for Geany using GDB
geany-plugins-geanygendoc -
Automatically generate documentation source code
geany-plugins-geanyinsertnum -
Insert huge number ranges with small efforts
geany-plugins-geanylatex -
LaTeX support for Geany
geany-plugins-geanylipsum -
Lorem Ipsum generator for Inserting Placeholder Text
geany-plugins-geanylua -
Lua Scripting for Geany
geany-plugins-geanymacro -
User defined Macros for Geany
geany-plugins-geanynumberedbookmarks -
Provide users 10 numbered Bookmarks
geany-plugins-geanypg -
encrypt, decrypt and verify signatures with GnuPG
geany-plugins-geanyprj -
Provides an alternate project management tool for Geany
geany-plugins-geanysendmail -
Send E-Mails from within Geany
geany-plugins-geanyvc -
Version Control for Geany
geany-plugins-gproject -
Extension of Geany's project management
geany-plugins-pretty-print -
XML pretty printing plugin for Geany
geany-plugins-shiftcolumn -
Move Blocks of Text horizontally
geany-plugins-spellcheck -
Spellcheck Text in Geany using the Enchant Library
geany-plugins-tableconvert -
Helps on converting a tabulator separated selection into a table
geany-plugins-treebrowser -
Alternate file browser plugin providing a tree view of directories
geany-plugins-updatechecker -
Automatically check for Geany updates
geany-plugins-webhelper -
Preview and Debug Web documents from within Geany using WebKit
geany-plugins-xmlsnippets -
Extends XML/HTML tag autocompletion provided by Geany
generatorrunner -
Plugin-based application to run apiextractor-based generators
gettext -
GNU libraries and utilities for producing multi-lingual messages
gettext-common-devel -
Common development files for gettext
gettext-devel -
Development files for gettext
gimp-devel-tools -
GIMP plugin and extension development tools
git -
Fast Version Control System
git-all -
Meta-package to pull in all git tools
git-cvs -
Git tools for importing CVS repositories
git-daemon -
Git protocol dæmon
git-email -
Git tools for sending email
git-gui -
Git GUI tool
git-svn -
Git tools for importing Subversion repositories
gitk -
Git revision tree visualiser
gitweb -
Simple web interface to git repositories
glibc-utils -
Development utilities from GNU C library
gnome-common -
Useful things common to building gnome packages from scratch
gnome-doc-utils -
Documentation utilities for GNOME
gnome-doc-utils-stylesheets -
XSL stylesheets used by gnome-doc-utils
gnustep-make -
GNUstep makefile package
google-perftools -
Very fast malloc and performance analysis tools
gperf -
A perfect hash function generator
gperftools-libs -
Libraries provided by gperftools
gpxe-roms-qemu -
Network boot loader roms supported by QEMU, .rom format
graphite2 -
Font rendering capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systems
gsoap -
Generator Tools for Coding SOAP/XML Web Services in C and C++
gtest -
Google C++ testing framework
gtk-doc -
API documentation generation tool for GTK+ and GNOME
gyp -
Generate Your Projects
hamcrest -
Library of matchers for building test expressions
help2man -
Create simple man pages from --help output
hsqldb-demo -
Demo for hsqldb
icu -
International Components for Unicode
intel-gpu-tools -
Debugging tools for Intel graphics chips
intltool -
Utility for internationalizing various kinds of data files
ipxe-bootimgs -
Network boot loader images in bootable USB, CD, floppy and GRUB formats
ipxe-roms -
Network boot loader roms in .rom format
ipxe-roms-qemu -
Network boot loader roms supported by QEMU, .rom format
java-1.5.0-gcj-devel -
JPackage development compatibility layer for GCJ
java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel -
OpenJDK Development Environment
java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel -
OpenJDK Development Environment
java_cup -
Java source interpreter
junit -
Java regression test package
junit4 -
Java regression test package
kBuild -
A cross-platform build environment
kmodtool -
Tool for building kmod packages
lemon -
A parser generator
libmpc -
C library for multiple precision complex arithmetic
libstatgrab-examples -
The example files from libstatgrab
libtool -
The GNU Portable Library Tool
libvpx-utils -
VP8 utilities and tools
libwebp-tools -
The WebP command line tools
make -
A GNU tool which simplifies the build process for users
mash -
Koji buildsystem to yum repository converter
meld -
Visual diff and merge tool
mercurial -
Mercurial -- a distributed SCM
mercurial-hgk -
Hgk interface for mercurial
mock -
Builds packages inside chroots
monodevelop -
A full-featured IDE for Mono and Gtk#
nant -
NAnt is a build tool for Mono and .NET
openCOLLADA-utils -
XML validator for COLLADA files
osc -
The openSUSE Build Service Commander
patch -
Utility for modifying/upgrading files
perl-Monotone -
Perl Module for monotone
perl-Sys-Virt-TCK -
Sys::Virt::TCK - libvirt Technology Compatibility Kit
perl-Test-AutoBuild -
Framework for performing continuous, unattended, automated software builds
perl-Test-AutoBuild-account -
User account and directory structure for running builder
perl-Test-AutoBuild-bzr -
Bazaar source repository integration for autobuild engine
perl-Test-AutoBuild-cvs -
CVS source repository integration for autobuild engine
perl-Test-AutoBuild-darcs -
Darcs source repository integration for autobuild engine
perl-Test-AutoBuild-git -
Git source repository integration for autobuild engine
perl-Test-AutoBuild-mercurial -
Mercurial source repository integration for autobuild engine
perl-Test-AutoBuild-perforce -
Perforce source repository integration for autobuild engine
perl-Test-AutoBuild-subversion -
Subversion source repository integration for autobuild engine
perl-Test-AutoBuild-svk -
SVK source repository integration for autobuild engine
perl-Test-AutoBuild-tla -
GNU Arch source repository integration for autobuild engine
pkgconfig -
A tool for determining compilation options
pprof -
CPU and Heap Profiler tool
pscan -
Limited problem scanner for C source files
pungi -
Distribution compose tool
pyside-tools -
Development tools for PySide
python-minimock -
The simplest possible mock library
python-sphinx -
Python documentation generator
python-tools -
A collection of development tools included with Python
python3-sip -
SIP - Python 3/C++ Bindings Generator
python3-tools -
A collection of tools included with Python 3
qemu -
QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator
qemu-common -
QEMU common files needed by all QEMU targets
qemu-img -
QEMU command line tool for manipulating disk images
qemu-kvm -
QEMU metapackage for KVM support
qemu-kvm-tools -
KVM debugging and diagnostics tools
qemu-system-arm -
QEMU system emulator for arm
qemu-system-cris -
QEMU system emulator for cris
qemu-system-m68k -
QEMU system emulator for m68k
qemu-system-mips -
QEMU system emulator for mips
qemu-system-sh4 -
QEMU system emulator for sh4
qemu-system-x86 -
QEMU system emulator for x86
qemu-user -
QEMU user mode emulation of qemu targets
qt-creator -
Lightweight and cross-platform IDE for Qt
qt3-designer -
Interface designer (IDE) for the Qt 3 toolkit
rcs -
Revision Control System (RCS) file version management tools
rpm-build -
Scripts and executable programs used to build packages
rpmdevtools -
RPM Development Tools
scons -
An Open Source software construction tool
scribus-doc -
Documentation files for Scribus
shiboken -
CPython bindings generator for C++ libraries
silgraphite -
Font rendering capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systems
sinjdoc -
Documentation generator for Java source code
sip -
SIP - Python/C++ Bindings Generator
sip-macros -
RPM macros for use when working with SIP
source-highlight -
Produces a document with syntax highlighting
squirrel -
High level imperative/OO programming language
subversion -
A Modern Concurrent Version Control System
subversion-api-docs -
Subversion API documentation
subversion-devel -
Development package for the Subversion libraries
subversion-gnome -
GNOME Keyring support for Subversion
subversion-kde -
KDE Wallet support for Subversion
subversion-libs -
Libraries for Subversion Version Control system
subversion-tools -
Supplementary tools for Subversion
swig -
Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level programming languages
sysfsutils -
Utilities for interfacing with sysfs
tbb -
The Threading Building Blocks library abstracts low-level threading details
thewidgetfactory -
A tool for previewing GTK widgets
tolua++ -
A tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua
wabbitsign -
Wabbitsign App Signer for the Z80 Assembly IDE
waf -
A Python-based build system
waf-docs -
Documentation for waf
waf-python3 -
Python3 support for waf
xfce4-dev-tools -
Xfce developer tools
xorg-sgml-doctools -
X.Org SGML documentation generation tools
xsd -
W3C XML schema to C++ data binding compiler
yum-langpacks -
Langpacks plugin for yum
yum-presto -
Presto plugin for yum
yum-utils -
Utilities based around the yum package manager
z80asmide -
Z80 Assembly IDE