- VirtualGL - A toolkit for displaying OpenGL applications to thin clients
- VirtualGL-devel - Development headers and libraries for VirtualGL
- abrt - Automatic bug detection and reporting tool
- acpi - Command-line ACPI client
- acpitool - Command line ACPI client
- ailurus - A simple application installer and GNOME tweaker
- aircrack-ng - 802.11 (wireless) sniffer and WEP/WPA-PSK key cracker
- alacarte - Menu editor for the GNOME desktop
- alsa-tools-firmware - ALSA tools for uploading firmware to some soundcards
- alsamixergui - GUI mixer for ALSA sound devices
- amanda - A network-capable tape backup solution
- anaconda - Graphical system installer
- anaconda-yum-plugins - Installation-related yum plugins
- apcupsd-gui - GUI interface for apcupsd
- asciidoc - Tool to convert AsciiDoc text files to DocBook, HTML or Unix man pages
- bdftruncate - Generate truncated BDF font from ISO 10646-1 encoded BDF font
- beep - Beep the PC speaker any number of ways
- beesu - Graphical wrapper for su
- bind-libs - Libraries used by the BIND DNS packages
- bind-utils - Utilities for querying DNS name servers
- blueman - GTK+ Bluetooth Manager
- bluez - Bluetooth utilities
- bluez-hcidump - Bluetooth HCI protocol analyser
- brlapi - Application Programming Interface for BRLTTY
- byobu - Light-weight, configurable window manager built upon GNU screen
- cfengine - A systems administration tool for networks
- chkrootkit - Tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit
- compiz-manager - A wrapper script to start compiz with proper options
- comps-extras - Images for components included in Fedora
- cryptsetup-luks - A utility for setting up encrypted filesystems
- dconf-editor - Configuration editor for dconf
- dialog - A utility for creating TTY dialog boxes
- dirsplit - Utility to split directories
- dosfstools - Utilities for making and checking MS-DOS FAT filesystems on Linux
- em8300 - DXR3/Hollywood Plus MPEG decoder card support tools
- ethtool - Settings tool for Ethernet NICs
- ewftools - Utilities for the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF)
- fbset - Tools for managing a frame buffer's video mode properties
- fcoe-utils - Fibre Channel over Ethernet utilities
- fedora-usermgmt - Fedora tools for user management
- fedora-usermgmt-core - Core utilities for the fedora-usermgmt
- fedora-usermgmt-shadow-utils - shadow-utils customization for fedora-usermgmt
- firmware-extract - A firmware-tools plugin to add firmware extraction from vendor binaries
- firmware-tools - Scripts and tools to manage firmware and BIOS updates
- gammu - Command Line utility to work with mobile phones
- gcalctool - A desktop calculator
- gconf-editor - Editor/admin tool for GConf
- genisoimage - Creates an image of an ISO9660 file system
- gkrellm - Multiple stacked system monitors in one process
- glances - CLI curses based monitoring tool
- gnome-color-manager - Color management tools for GNOME
- gnome-mount - HAL-based utility to mount and unmount storage devices
- gnome-mount-nautilus-properties - Nautilus extension for volume and drive properties
- gnome-packagekit - Session applications to manage packages
- gnome-packagekit-extra - Session applications to manage packages (extra bits)
- gnome-power-manager - GNOME power management service
- gnome-system-monitor - Process and resource monitor
- gnome-utils - GNOME utility programs
- gnupg - A GNU utility for secure communication and data storage
- gnupg2 - Utility for secure communication and data storage
- gnutls-utils - Command line tools for TLS protocol
- goldendict - A feature-rich dictionary lookup program
- gparted - Gnome Partition Editor
- gpgme - GnuPG Made Easy - high level crypto API
- gpointing-device-settings - Configuration tool for pointing devices
- gtk-redshift - GTK integration for Redshift
- guake - Drop-down terminal for GNOME
- gucharmap - Unicode character picker and font browser
- hardinfo - System Profiler and Benchmark
- hddtemp - Hard disk temperature tool
- hdparm - A utility for displaying and/or setting hard disk parameters
- hplip-gui - HPLIP graphical tools
- htop - Interactive process viewer
- hwloc - Portable Hardware Locality - portable abstraction of hierarchical architectures
- im-chooser - Desktop Input Method configuration tool
- imsettings - Delivery framework for general Input Method configuration
- imsettings-xfce - Xfce support on imsettings
- iok - Indic Onscreen Virtual Keyboard
- iotop - Top like utility for I/O
- iproute - Advanced IP routing and network device configuration tools
- irda-utils - Utilities for infrared communication between devices
- isdn4k-utils - Utilities for configuring an ISDN subsystem
- isomd5sum - Utilities for working with md5sum implanted in ISO images
- jfbterm - Japanese Console for Linux Frame Buffer Device
- kexec-tools - The kexec/kdump userspace component.
- lesstif-clients - Command line utilities for LessTif
- libdesktop-agnostic-bin - Helper applications for libdesktop-agnostic
- libproxy-bin - Binary to test libproxy
- libsmbclient - The SMB client library
- liveusb-creator - A liveusb creator
- lm_sensors - Hardware monitoring tools
- logwatch - A log file analysis program
- lorax - Tool for creating the anaconda install images
- lshw - Hardware lister
- lshw-gui - Graphical hardware lister
- lxc - Linux Resource Containers
- macchanger - An utility for viewing/manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces
- makebootfat - Utility for creation bootable FAT disk
- mlocate - An utility for finding files by name
- mt-st - Tool for controlling tape drives
- mtools - Programs for accessing MS-DOS disks without mounting the disks
- mtx - SCSI media changer control program
- nagios-plugins-bacula - Nagios Plugin - check_bacula
- nbd - Network Block Device user-space tools (TCP version)
- nepomukcontroller - Applet to control the Nepomuk file indexer
- net-snmp-gui - An interactive graphical MIB browser for SNMP
- net-snmp-utils - Network management utilities using SNMP, from the NET-SNMP project
- nfs4-acl-tools - The nfs4 ACL tools
- nmap - Network exploration tool and security scanner
- nmap-frontend - The GTK+ front end for nmap
- nmon - Performance analysis tool
- ntfs-config - A front-end to Enable/disable NTFS write support
- ntpdate - Utility to set the date and time via NTP
- nut - Network UPS Tools
- nut-cgi - CGI utilities for the Network UPS Tools
- nut-client - Network UPS Tools client monitoring utilities
- nut-hal - UPS Monitoring Software
- nut-xml - XML UPS driver for the Network UPS Tools
- nvidia-settings - Configure the NVIDIA graphics driver
- nvidia-settings-desktop - Desktop file for nvidia-settings
- nvidia-xconfig - NVIDIA X configuration file editor
- openmotif-clients - Command line utilities for openmotif
- parted - The GNU disk partition manipulation program
- patchutils - A collection of programs for manipulating patch files
- pciutils - PCI bus related utilities
- perl-PCP-MMV - Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) Perl bindings for PCP Memory Mapped Values
- perl-PCP-PMDA - Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) Perl bindings and documentation
- perl-Satcon - Framework for configuration files
- pinentry - Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs
- pinentry-gtk - Passphrase/PIN entry dialog based on GTK+
- pinentry-qt - Passphrase/PIN entry dialog based on Qt4
- plymouth-gdm-hooks - Plymouth GDM integration
- plymouth-scripts - Plymouth related scripts
- plymouth-utils - Plymouth related utilities
- polkit-gnome - PolicyKit integration for the GNOME desktop
- polkit-kde - PolicyKit integration for KDE Desktop
- powerman - PowerMan - Power to the Cluster
- powerman-devel - Development files for Powerman
- powertop - Power consumption monitor
- preload - Preload is an adaptive readahead daemon
- procps - System and process monitoring utilities
- psacct - Utilities for monitoring process activities
- psmisc - Utilities for managing processes on your system
- pvm-gui - TCL/TK graphical frontend to monitor and manage a PVM cluster.
- python-libs - Runtime libraries for Python
- python-setuptools - Easily build and distribute Python packages
- python3-setuptools - Easily build and distribute Python 3 packages
- quicksynergy - Share keyboard and mouse between computers
- rdate - Tool for getting the date/time from a remote machine
- rdist - Maintains identical copies of files on multiple machines.
- redshift - Adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to time of day
- referencer - A document organiser and bibliography manager for Gnome
- regionset - Reads/sets the region code of DVD drives
- remmina-plugins-common - Common files for Remmina Remote Desktop Client plugins
- remmina-plugins-gnome - GNOME keyring integration for Remmina Remote Desktop Client
- remmina-plugins-nx - NX plugin for Remmina Remote Desktop Client
- remmina-plugins-rdp - RDP plugin for Remmina Remote Desktop Client
- remmina-plugins-telepathy - Telepathy plugin for Remmina Remote Desktop Client
- remmina-plugins-vnc - VNC plugin for Remmina Remote Desktop Client
- remmina-plugins-xdmcp - XDMCP plugin for Remmina Remote Desktop Client
- repoview - Creates a set of static HTML pages in a yum repository
- reptyr - Attach a running process to a new terminal
- rkhunter - A host-based tool to scan for rootkits, backdoors and local exploits
- rsnapshot - Local and remote filesystem snapshot utility
- rvm-ruby - Ruby Version Manager
- samba-client - Samba client programs
- samba-common - Files used by both Samba servers and clients
- samba-domainjoin-gui - Domainjoin GUI
- samba-swat - The Samba SMB server Web configuration program
- samba-winbind - Samba winbind
- samba-winbind-clients - Samba winbind clients
- samba-winbind-krb5-locator - Samba winbind krb5 locator
- sane-frontends - Graphical frontend to SANE
- sblim-sfcc - Small Footprint CIM Client Library
- sblim-sfcc-devel - Small Footprint CIM Client Library
- screen - A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal
- setserial - A utility for configuring serial ports
- setuptool - A text mode system configuration tool
- sg3_utils - Utilities for devices that use SCSI command sets
- smart - Next generation package handling tool
- smp_utils - Utilities for SAS management protocol (SMP)
- sos - A set of tools to gather troubleshooting information from a system
- sssd - System Security Services Daemon
- sssd-client - SSSD Client libraries for NSS and PAM
- sssd-tools - Userspace tools for use with the SSSD
- stardict - A powerful dictionary platform written in GTK+2
- stardict-dic-ja - Japanese(ja) dictionaries for StarDict
- stardict-dic-ru - Russian(ru) dictionaries for StarDict
- statgrab-tools - Tools from libstatgrab to monitoring the system
- sudo - Allows restricted root access for specified users
- symlinks - A utility which maintains a system's symbolic links
- syslinux - Simple kernel loader which boots from a FAT filesystem
- syslinux-perl - Syslinux tools written in perl
- sysstat - The sar and iostat system monitoring commands
- system-config-boot - A graphical interface for configuring the boot loader
- system-config-lvm - A utility for graphically configuring Logical Volumes
- system-config-network - The GUI of the Network Administration Tool
- system-config-network-tui - The Network Administration Tool
- system-config-services - Utility to start and stop system services
- system-config-users - A graphical interface for administering users and groups
- system-setup-keyboard - xorg.conf keyboard layout callout
- testdisk - Tool to check and undelete partition, PhotoRec recovers lost files
- time - A GNU utility for monitoring a program's use of system resources
- tmux - A terminal multiplexer
- tpb - Utility to enable the IBM ThinkPad(tm) special keys
- ttmkfdir - Utility to create fonts.scale files for truetype fonts
- usb_modeswitch - USB Modeswitch gets mobile broadband cards in operational mode
- usb_modeswitch-data - USB Modeswitch gets mobile broadband cards in operational mode
- usbmuxd - Daemon for communicating with Apple's iPod Touch and iPhone
- usbutils - Linux USB utilities
- usermode - Tools for certain user account management tasks
- usermode-gtk - Graphical tools for certain user account management tasks
- uw-imap-utils - UW IMAP Utilities to make managing your email simpler
- vinagre - VNC client for GNOME
- which - Displays where a particular program in your path is located
- wicd-curses - Curses client for wicd
- wpa_supplicant-gui - Graphical User Interface for wpa_supplicant
- xmlto - A tool for converting XML files to various formats
- xmlto-tex - A set of xmlto backends with TeX requirements
- xmlto-xhtml - A set of xmlto backends for xhtml1 source format
- yelp - Help browser for the GNOME desktop
- yumex - Yum Extender graphical package management tool
- zenity - Display dialog boxes from shell scripts