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Copy -
Copy provides pre-compiled binaries from copy.com
NetworkManager-gnome -
GNOME applications for use with NetworkManager
SABnzbd -
An Open Source Binary Newsreader written in Python
amule -
File sharing client compatible with eDonkey
amule-nogui -
Components of aMule which don't require a GUI (for servers)
apcupsd-cgi -
Web interface for apcupsd
aria2 -
High speed download utility with resuming and segmented downloading
autossh -
Utility to autorestart SSH tunnels
bogofilter -
Fast anti-spam filtering by Bayesian statistical analysis
bogofilter-bogoupgrade -
Upgrades bogofilter database to current version
chatzilla -
Standalone Mozilla IRC Client, no browsers attached
chromium-browser-stable -
A fast webkit-based web browser
claws-mail -
Email client and news reader based on GTK+
claws-mail-plugins -
Additional plugins for Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-acpi-notifier -
ACPI notification plugin for Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-address-keeper -
Never forget a typed address in Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-archive -
Archiving features for Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-att-remover -
Attachments remover plugin for Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-attachwarner -
Attachment warner plugin for Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-bogofilter -
Bogofilter plugin for Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-bsfilter -
Bayesian spam filtering for Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-clamd -
Use Clam AntiVirus to scan messages in Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-dillo -
Dillo HTML viewer plugin for Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-fancy -
Display HTML emails in Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-fetchinfo -
Modify headers of downloaded messages in Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-geolocation -
Provide GeoLocation functionality in Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-mailmbox -
Add support for mailboxes in mbox format to Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-newmail -
Make Claws Mail write a message header summary to a file
claws-mail-plugins-notification -
Various ways to notify about new messages in Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-pdf-viewer -
Enables the viewing of PDF and PostScript attachments
claws-mail-plugins-perl -
Perl based extended filtering engine for Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-pgp -
PGP plugin for signing and encrypting with Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-python -
Python scripting access to Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-rssyl -
RSS plugin for Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-smime -
S/MIME support for Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-spam-report -
Report spam mail to various places with Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-spamassassin -
Spamassassin plugin for Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-tnef -
TNEF message parsing for Claws Mail
claws-mail-plugins-vcalendar -
Handling of vCalendar messages in Claws Mail
curl -
A utility for getting files from remote servers (FTP, HTTP, and others)
davmail -
DavMail is a POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP gateway for Microsoft Exchange
deluge -
A GTK+ BitTorrent client with support for DHT, UPnP, and PEX
deluge-common -
Files common to Deluge sub packages
deluge-console -
CLI to Deluge
deluge-daemon -
The Deluge daemon
deluge-gtk -
The gtk UI to Deluge
deluge-images -
Image files for deluge
deluge-web -
Web interface to Deluge
deskbar-applet -
A Gnome applet to allow easy access to various search engines
djvulibre-mozplugin -
Mozilla plugin for DjVuLibre
elinks -
A text-mode Web browser
fatrat -
Feature-rich download manager
filezilla -
FTP, FTPS and SFTP client
finch -
A text-based user interface for Pidgin
finch-devel -
Headers etc. for finch stuffs
finger -
The finger client
firefox -
Mozilla Firefox Web browser
flash-plugin -
Adobe Flash Player 11.2
freenx-client -
Free client libraries and binaries for the NX protocol
ftp -
The standard UNIX FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client
fuduntu-bookmarks -
Fuduntu bookmarks
gajim -
Jabber client written in PyGTK
gftp -
A multi-threaded FTP client for the X Window System
gnome-web-photo -
HTML pages thumbnailer
gnupg2-smime -
CMS encryption and signing tool and smart card support for GnuPG
gvnc-tools -
Command line VNC tools
gwibber -
An open source microblogging client for GNOME developed with Python and GTK
gyachi -
A Yahoo! chat client with Webcam and voice support
gyachi-YMlike-theme -
GyachI Prototype theme
gyachi-pidgy-theme -
GyachI Prototype theme
gyachi-plugin-alsa -
libalsa sound driver
gyachi-plugin-blowfish -
Blowfish encryption plugin for GyachI
gyachi-plugin-gtkspell -
gtkspell spell check
gyachi-plugin-libnotify -
libnotify popup replacement
gyachi-plugin-mcrypt -
MCrypt encryption plugin for GyachI
gyachi-plugin-pulseaudio -
pulseaudio sound driver
gyachi-recre8-theme -
GyachI Prototype theme
hellanzb -
Hands-free nzb downloader and post processor
hexchat -
A popular and easy to use graphical IRC (chat) client
hexchat-perl -
Perl script plugin for HexChat
hexchat-python -
Python script plugin for HexChat
hexchat-tcl -
Tcl script plugin for HexChat
hotot -
Lightweight & open source micro blogging client
hping3 -
TCP/IP stack auditing and much more
htdig -
ht://Dig - Web search engine
httping -
Ping alike tool for http requests
hunt -
Tool for demonstrating well known weaknesses in the TCP/IP protocol suite
icedtea-web -
Java browser plug-in and Web Start implementation
iftop -
Command line tool that displays bandwidth usage on an interface
iksemel-utils -
Development files for iksemel
iptux -
A software for sharing in LAN
java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin -
OpenJDK Web Browser Plugin
jwhois -
Internet whois/nicname client
kde-plasma-ktorrent -
ktorrent plasma applet
kde-plasma-networkmanagement -
NetworkManager KDE 4 integration
kde-plasma-networkmanagement-openvpn -
OpenVPN support for kde-plasma-networkmanagement
kde-plasma-networkmanagement-pptp -
PPTP support for kde-plasma-networkmanagement
kde-plasma-networkmanagement-vpnc -
Vpnc support for kde-plasma-networkmanagement
kmess -
Messaging client for MSN
knetworkmanager -
NetworkManager KDE 4 integration
knetworkmanager-openvpn -
OpenVPN support for knetworkmanager
knetworkmanager-pptp -
PPTP support for knetworkmanager
knetworkmanager-vpnc -
Vpnc support for knetworkmanager
konversation -
A user friendly IRC client
ktorrent -
A BitTorrent program
lftp -
A sophisticated file transfer program
libpurple -
libpurple library for IM clients like Pidgin and Finch
libpurple-devel -
Development headers, documentation, and libraries for libpurple
libpurple-perl -
Perl scripting support for libpurple
libpurple-tcl -
Tcl scripting support for libpurple
libquvi-scripts -
Embedded lua scripts that libquvi uses for parsing the media details
librtmp -
Support library for RTMP streams
librtmp-devel -
Files for librtmp development
liferea -
An RSS/RDF feed reader
links -
Web browser running in both graphics and text mode
lynx -
A text-based Web browser
mailx -
Enhanced implementation of the mailx command
meanwhile -
Lotus Sametime Community Client library
meanwhile-doc -
Documentation for the Meanwhile library
midori -
A lightweight GTK+ web browser
mirrormanager-client -
Fedora mirror management system downstream mirror tools
mozilla-filesystem -
Mozilla filesytem layout
mozplugger -
A generic mozilla plug-in
mozvoikko -
Finnish Voikko spell-checker extension for Mozilla programs
mtr -
A network diagnostic tool
mutt -
A text mode mail user agent
nc -
Reads and writes data across network connections using TCP or UDP
nc6 -
Netcat with IPv6 Support
ncftp -
Improved console FTP client
ncrack -
High-speed network auth cracking tool
nethogs -
A tool resembling top for network traffic
nfswatch -
An NFS traffic monitoring tool
ngrep -
Network layer grep tool
npapi-vlc -
NPAPI plugin for libvlc
nspluginwrapper -
A compatibility layer for Netscape 4 plugins
nx -
Proxy system for X11
nxcl -
A library for building NX clients
openconnect -
Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN
openldap-clients -
LDAP client utilities
openssh -
An open source implementation of SSH protocol versions 1 and 2
openssh-askpass -
A passphrase dialog for OpenSSH and X
openssh-clients -
An open source SSH client applications
openssl-perl -
Perl scripts provided with OpenSSL
openvpn -
A full-featured SSL VPN solution
p0f -
Versatile passive OS fingerprinting tool
pan -
A GNOME/GTK+ news reader for X
perl-RT-Test -
rt3's test utility.
perl-Razor-Agent -
Use a Razor catalogue server to filter spam messages
perl-ekg2 -
Perl scripting plugin for ekg2
phpMyAdmin -
Handle the administration of MySQL over the World Wide Web
pidgin -
A Gtk+ based multiprotocol instant messaging client
pidgin-docs -
API docs for pidgin and libpurple
pidgin-evolution -
Pidgin Evolution integration plugin
pidgin-guifications -
Guifications Plugin for Pidgin
pidgin-musictracker -
Musictracker plug-in for Pidgin
pidgin-otr -
Off-The-Record Messaging plugin for Pidgin
pidgin-perl -
Perl scripting support for Pidgin
pidgin-sipe -
Pidgin protocol plugin to connect to MS Office Communicator
pptp -
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Client
prism_static -
Prism binary tarball repackage
procmail -
Mail processing program
purple-sipe -
Libpurple protocol plugin to connect to MS Office Communicator
putty -
SSH, Telnet and Rlogin client
qbittorrent -
A Bittorrent Client
qbittorrent-nox -
A Headless Bittorrent Client
quassel -
A modern distributed IRC system
quassel-client -
Quassel client
quassel-common -
Quassel common/shared files
quassel-core -
Quassel core component
rb_libtorrent-examples -
Example clients using rb_libtorrent
remmina -
Remote Desktop Client
rsh -
Clients for remote access commands (rsh, rlogin, rcp)
rsync -
A program for synchronizing files over a network
rtmpdump -
Toolkit for RTMP streams
rtorrent -
BitTorrent client based on libtorrent
smolt -
Fedora hardware profiler
smolt-firstboot -
Fedora hardware profile firstboot
smolt-gui -
Fedora hardware profiler gui
smolt-server -
Fedora hardware profiler server
spice-gtk-tools -
Spice-gtk tools
spice-xpi -
SPICE extension for Mozilla
stunnel -
An SSL-encrypting socket wrapper
syslinux-tftpboot -
SYSLINUX modules in /tftpboot, available for network booting
talk -
Talk client for one-on-one Internet chatting.
tcpdump -
A network traffic monitoring tool
tcpjunk -
TCP protocols testing tool
tcpxtract -
Tool for extracting files from network traffic
telnet -
The client program for the Telnet remote login protocol
thunderbird -
Mozilla Thunderbird mail/newsgroup client
thunderbird-enigmail -
Authentication and encryption extension for Mozilla Thunderbird
totem-mozplugin -
Mozilla plugin for Totem
traceroute -
Traces the route taken by packets over an IPv4/IPv6 network
transmission -
A lightweight GTK+ BitTorrent client
transmission-cli -
Transmission command line implementation
transmission-common -
Transmission common files
transmission-daemon -
Transmission daemon
transmission-gtk -
Transmission GTK interface
transmission-qt -
Transmission Qt interface
turpial -
Cool twitter client with many features and very light
uget -
Download manager using GTK+ and libcurl
urlview -
URL extractor/launcher
vpnc -
IPSec VPN client compatible with Cisco equipment
vpnc-script -
Routing setup script for vpnc and openconnect
w3m -
A pager with Web browsing abilities
webalizer -
A flexible Web server log file analysis program
wget -
A utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protocols
wicd-gtk -
GTK+ client for wicd
wicd-kde -
A Wicd client built on the KDE Development Platform
wireshark -
Network traffic analyzer
wireshark-gnome -
Gnome desktop integration for wireshark
wol -
Wake On Lan client
xchat -
A popular and easy to use graphical IRC (chat) client
xchat-amule -
Plugin to display aMule's statistics in XChat
xchat-tcl -
Tcl script plugin for X-Chat
xrdp -
Open source remote desktop protocol (RDP) server
xulrunner -
XUL Runtime for Gecko Applications
xulrunner6 -
XUL Runtime for Gecko Applications
xulrunner7 -
XUL Runtime for Gecko Applications
xulrunner8 -
XUL Runtime for Gecko Applications
xulrunner9 -
XUL Runtime for Gecko Applications
zabbix -
Open-source monitoring solution for your IT infrastructure
zabbix-agent -
Zabbix Agent
zabbix-proxy -
Zabbix Proxy
zabbix-proxy-mysql -
Zabbix proxy compiled to use MySQL
zabbix-proxy-pgsql -
Zabbix proxy compiled to use PostgreSQL
zabbix-proxy-sqlite3 -
Zabbix proxy compiled to use SQLite
zabbix-server -
Zabbix server common files
zabbix-server-mysql -
Zabbix server compiled to use MySQL
zabbix-server-pgsql -
Zabbix server compiled to use PostgresSQL
zabbix-server-sqlite3 -
Zabbix server compiled to use SQLite
zabbix-web -
Zabbix Web Frontend
zabbix-web-mysql -
Zabbix web frontend for MySQL
zabbix-web-pgsql -
Zabbix web frontend for PostgreSQL
zabbix-web-sqlite3 -
Zabbix web frontend for SQLite