# ChangeLog for dev-java/boot-bin # Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # (auto-generated from git log) *boot-bin-2.6.0 (04 Sep 2016) 04 Sep 2016; Kent Fredric +boot-bin-2.6.0.ebuild, +files/boot, +metadata.xml: Added at 2.6.0 This is mostly just giving users a better choice than "sudo bash curl..." boot will still have to install its own dependencies when executed via maven glue into ~/.m2/, but this still means they can easily get `boot` accessible globally in "$PATH" without security paranoia, and from then on it "mostly just works" without needing to understand boot-specific install procedures. Ideally this itself will be built from sources one day, but java upstream logic fights this at every stage. Also, "boot -u" still does "something", but it doesn't do anything useful. Package-Manager: portage-2.3.0 *boot-bin-2.7.0 (16 Dec 2016) 16 Dec 2016; Kent Fredric +boot-bin-2.7.0.ebuild: Bump to version 2.7.0 Package-Manager: portage-2.3.3