# Sets the network interface to if.
# interface: if
interface: ppp0

# Controls reverse lookup of IP addresses.
# dns-resolution: (yes|no)
dns-resolution: yes

# Controls conversion of port numbers to service names.
# port-resolution: (yes|no)
port-resolution: yes

# Sets the filter code to bpf.
# filter-code: bpf

# Controls display of bar graphs.
# show-bars: (yes|no)
show-bars: yes

# Puts the interface into promiscuous mode.
# promiscuous: (yes|no)

# Controls display of port numbers.
# port-display: (off|source-only|destination-only|on)
port-display: on

# Hides source host names.
# hide-source: (yes|no)

# Hides destination host names.
# hide-destination: (yes|no)

# Use bytes for bandwidth display, rather than bits.
# use-bytes: (yes|no)
use-bytes: yes

# Sets which column is used to sort the display.
# sort: (2s|10s|40s|source|destination)

# Controls the appearance of each item in the display.
# line-display: (two-line|one-line-both|one-line-sent|one-line-received)

# Shows cummulative total for each item.
# show-totals: (yes|no)
show-totals: yes

# Use a logarithmic scale for bar graphs.
# log-scale: (yes|no)

# Fixes the maximum for the bar graph scale to bw, e.g. "10M"
# max-bandwidth: bw

# Defines an IP network boundary for determining packet direction.
# net-filter: net/mask

# Sets a regular expression to filter screen output.
# screen-filter: regexp