#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "devices.h" #include "fs.h" #include "install.h" #include "log.h" #include "mkswap.h" #include "perror.h" #include "run.h" #include "smb.h" #include "windows.h" int nfsmount(const char *spec, const char *node, int *flags, char **extra_opts, char **mount_opts); static int selectRootPartition(struct partitionTable table, int * rootPartNum); static int fstabCmp(const void * a, const void * b); static int mkdirChain(char * chain); static int mkdirIfNone(char * directory); static char * nstrdup(const char * foo); static void initFstabEntry(struct fstabEntry * e); int canEnableSwap = 1; int badBlocks = 0; struct nfsMountCallbackInfo { newtComponent server, mntpoint, netpath; char * serverVal, * netpathVal, * mntpointVal; } ; static char * nstrdup(const char * foo) { return foo ? strdup(foo) : NULL; } static int fstabCmp(const void * a, const void * b) { const struct fstabEntry * first = a; const struct fstabEntry * second = b; if (first->type != second->type) { if (first->type == PART_NFS) return 1; else if (second->type == PART_NFS) return -1; } return strcmp(first->mntpoint, second->mntpoint); } static void initFstabEntry(struct fstabEntry * e) { e->device = NULL; e->netHost = NULL; e->netPath = NULL; e->mntpoint = NULL; e->tagName = NULL; e->size = 0; e->type = PART_OTHER; e->isMounted = 0; e->doFormat = 0; } newtComponent addPartitionListbox(struct partitionTable table, newtComponent form, int left, int top, int height, int type, int (*filter)(struct partition * part), int * numItems) { newtComponent listbox, label; int i; char buf[80]; listbox = newtListbox(left, top + 1, height, NEWT_LISTBOX_RETURNEXIT); label = newtLabel(left, top, "Device Begin End " "Size (k)"); if (numItems) *numItems = 0; for (i = 0; i < table.count; i++) { if (table.parts[i].type == type) { if (!filter || filter(table.parts + i)) { sprintf(buf, "/dev/%-5s %9d %9d %9d", table.parts[i].device, table.parts[i].begin, table.parts[i].end, table.parts[i].size); newtListboxAddEntry(listbox, buf, &table.parts[i]); if (numItems) (*numItems)++; } } } newtFormAddComponents(form, label, listbox, NULL); return listbox; } static int selectRootPartition(struct partitionTable table, int * rootPartNum) { newtComponent okay, cancel, form, text, listbox, answer; int i; struct partition * rootPart = NULL; for (i = 0; i < table.count; i++) if (table.parts[i].type == PART_EXT2) break; if (i == table.count) { newtOpenWindow(18, 6, 44, 11, "Select Root"); text = newtTextbox(1, 1, 42, 4, NEWT_TEXTBOX_WRAP); newtTextboxSetText(text, "You don't have any Linux native partitions " "defined. You must return to repartition " "your hard drive."); okay = newtButton(17, 7, "Ok"); form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); newtFormAddComponents(form, text, okay, NULL); newtRunForm(form); newtFormDestroy(form); newtPopWindow(); return INST_CANCEL; } *rootPartNum = i; newtOpenWindow(10, 2, 64, 19, "Select Root Partition"); text = newtTextbox(1, 1, 62, 4, NEWT_TEXTBOX_WRAP); newtTextboxSetText(text, "The root partition forms the base of your Linux " "filesystem. It must hold everything necessary for " "booting and initializing your system. What partition " "would you like to use for the root filesystem?"); okay = newtButton(15, 15, "Ok"); cancel = newtButton(38, 15, "Cancel"); form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); listbox = addPartitionListbox(table, form, 7, 6, 7, PART_EXT2, NULL, NULL); newtFormAddComponents(form, text, okay, cancel, NULL); answer = newtRunForm(form); if (answer != cancel) { rootPart = newtListboxGetCurrent(listbox); } newtFormDestroy(form); newtPopWindow(); *rootPartNum = (rootPart - table.parts); if (!rootPart) return INST_CANCEL; else return 0; } static int badMountPoint(enum partitionTypes type, char * item) { char * chptr = item; if (*chptr != '/') { winMessage(33, 12, 30, 8, "Bad Mount Point", "Mount points must begin with a leading /."); return INST_ERROR; } if (*(chptr + 1) && *(chptr + strlen(chptr) - 1) == '/') { winMessage(33, 12, 30, 8, "Bad Mount Point", "Mount points may not end with a /."); return INST_ERROR; } while (*chptr && isprint(*chptr)) chptr++; if (*chptr) { winMessage(30, 10, 30, 10, "Bad Mount Point", "Mount points may only printable characters."); return INST_ERROR; } if (type != PART_EXT2 && ( !strncmp(item, "/var", 4) || !strncmp(item, "/tmp", 4) || !strncmp(item, "/bin", 4) || !strncmp(item, "/sbin", 4) || !strncmp(item, "/etc", 4) || !strncmp(item, "/boot", 4) || !strncmp(item, "/dev", 4) || !strncmp(item, "/root", 4) || !strncmp(item, "/lib", 4))) { winMessage(30, 10, 30, 10, "Bad Mount Point", "System partitions must be on Linux Native " "partitions."); return INST_ERROR; } if (type != PART_EXT2 && type != PART_NFS && !strncmp(item, "/usr", 4)) { winMessage(25, 10, 30, 10, "Bad Mount Point", "/usr must be on a Linux Native partition " "or an NFS volume."); return INST_ERROR; } return 0; } static char * restrdup(char * old, char * new) { if (old) free(old); if (new) return strdup(new); else return NULL; } static void nfsMountCallback(newtComponent co, void * arg) { struct nfsMountCallbackInfo * nfsinfo = arg; char * chptr; char * copy; if (!strlen(nfsinfo->netpathVal)) { if (strchr(nfsinfo->serverVal, ':')) { chptr = copy = alloca(strlen(nfsinfo->serverVal) + 1); strcpy(copy, nfsinfo->serverVal); chptr = strchr(copy, ':'); *chptr = '\0'; chptr++; newtEntrySet(nfsinfo->server, copy, 1); newtEntrySet(nfsinfo->netpath, chptr, 1); } } if (strlen(nfsinfo->netpathVal) && !strlen(nfsinfo->mntpointVal)) { newtEntrySet(nfsinfo->mntpoint, nfsinfo->netpathVal, 1); } } static int editNetMountPoint(struct fstabEntry * item) { newtComponent form, server, path, point, okay, cancel, answer; char * pointValue, * pathValue, * serverValue; int done = 0; struct nfsMountCallbackInfo nfsinfo; newtOpenWindow(10, 7, 50, 10, "Edit Network Mount Point"); form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); newtFormAddComponent(form, newtLabel(1, 1, "NFS Server :")); newtFormAddComponent(form, newtLabel(1, 2, "NFS Path :")); newtFormAddComponent(form, newtLabel(1, 3, "Mount point :")); server = newtEntry(17, 1, item->mntpoint, 20, &serverValue, NEWT_ENTRY_SCROLL | NEWT_ENTRY_RETURNEXIT); path = newtEntry(17, 2, item->mntpoint, 20, &pathValue, NEWT_ENTRY_SCROLL | NEWT_ENTRY_RETURNEXIT); point = newtEntry(17, 3, item->mntpoint, 20, &pointValue, NEWT_ENTRY_SCROLL | NEWT_ENTRY_RETURNEXIT); nfsinfo.server = server; nfsinfo.mntpoint = point; nfsinfo.netpath = path; nfsinfo.serverVal = serverValue; nfsinfo.netpathVal = pathValue; nfsinfo.mntpointVal = pointValue; newtComponentAddCallback(server, nfsMountCallback, &nfsinfo); newtComponentAddCallback(path, nfsMountCallback, &nfsinfo); okay = newtButton(10, 6, "Ok"); cancel = newtButton(30, 6, "Cancel"); newtFormAddComponents(form, server, path, point, okay, cancel, NULL); do { answer = newtRunForm(form); if (answer == cancel) { done = 1; } else if (*pointValue) { if (!badMountPoint(item->type, pointValue)) done = 1; } } while (!done); if (answer != cancel) { item->mntpoint = restrdup(item->mntpoint, pointValue); item->netPath = restrdup(item->netPath, pathValue); item->netHost = restrdup(item->netHost, serverValue); if (item->device) free(item->device); item->device = malloc(strlen(pathValue) + strlen(serverValue) + 5); sprintf(item->device, "%s:%s", serverValue, pathValue); } newtPopWindow(); if (answer == cancel) return INST_CANCEL; return 0; } static void editDeviceMountPoint(struct fstabEntry * item) { newtComponent form, entry, okay, cancel, clear, answer; char buf[50]; char * entryValue; int done = 0; newtOpenWindow(10, 7, 50, 10, "Edit Mount Point"); form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); strcpy(buf,"Device : /dev/"); strcat(buf, item->device); newtFormAddComponent(form, newtLabel(1, 1, buf)); newtFormAddComponent(form, newtLabel(1, 3, "Mount point :")); entry = newtEntry(17, 3, item->mntpoint, 20, &entryValue, NEWT_ENTRY_SCROLL | NEWT_ENTRY_RETURNEXIT); okay = newtButton(5, 6, "Ok"); clear = newtButton(20, 6, "Clear"); cancel = newtButton(35, 6, "Cancel"); newtFormAddComponents(form, entry, okay, clear, cancel, NULL); do { newtFormSetCurrent(form, entry); answer = newtRunForm(form); if (answer == clear) newtEntrySet(entry, "", 1); else if (answer == cancel || !*entryValue) { done = 1; } else if (*entryValue) { if (!badMountPoint(item->type, entryValue)) done = 1; } } while (!done); if (answer != cancel) { item->mntpoint = restrdup(item->mntpoint, entryValue); } newtPopWindow(); } void freeFstab(struct fstab fstab) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fstab.numEntries; i++) { if (fstab.entries[i].mntpoint) free(fstab.entries[i].mntpoint); if (fstab.entries[i].device) free(fstab.entries[i].device); if (fstab.entries[i].netPath) free(fstab.entries[i].netPath); if (fstab.entries[i].netHost) free(fstab.entries[i].netHost); } if (fstab.numEntries) free(fstab.entries); } struct fstab copyFstab(struct fstab * fstab) { struct fstab newfstab; int i, j; if (!fstab->numEntries) { newfstab.numEntries = 0; newfstab.entries = malloc(1); return newfstab; } /* duplicate the current fstab */ newfstab.numEntries = fstab->numEntries; newfstab.entries = malloc(fstab->numEntries * sizeof(struct fstabEntry)); for (i = j = 0; i < newfstab.numEntries; i++) { if (fstab->entries[i].mntpoint) { newfstab.entries[j] = fstab->entries[i]; newfstab.entries[j].mntpoint = nstrdup(fstab->entries[i].mntpoint); newfstab.entries[j].device = nstrdup(fstab->entries[i].device); newfstab.entries[j].netPath = nstrdup(fstab->entries[i].netPath); newfstab.entries[j].netHost = nstrdup(fstab->entries[i].netHost); j++; } } newfstab.numEntries = j; /* return the memory we don't actually need */ newfstab.entries = realloc(newfstab.entries, j * sizeof(struct fstabEntry)); return newfstab; } int setupMountTable(struct partitionTable table, struct fstab * finalFstab, struct netInterface * intf, struct netConfig * netc, struct driversLoaded ** dl) { int rootPartNum = -1; int rc, hasdups; newtComponent f, okay, text, listbox, label, cancel, edit, answer; newtComponent addnfs; char buf[80]; int i, j, numMountable, numLinux; int partNum; struct fstab fstab; int fstabNum; struct fstabEntry entry, * curr; int * fstabEntNum, * numptr; static int firstTime = 1; const char * basicFormat = "%-10s %14s %-20s %-18s"; const char * devFormat = "/dev/%-5s %14d %-20s %-18s"; const char * nfsFormat = "%-27s %-20s %-18s"; fstab = copyFstab(finalFstab); if (firstTime) { /* First, make them pick a root partition */ if ((rc = selectRootPartition(table, &rootPartNum))) { freeFstab(fstab); return rc; } firstTime = 0; for (i = partNum = 0; i < table.count; i++) { if (i == rootPartNum) { initFstabEntry(&entry); entry.device = strdup(table.parts[i].device); entry.size = table.parts[i].size; entry.type = table.parts[i].type; entry.tagName = table.parts[i].tagName; entry.mntpoint = strdup("/"); addFstabEntry(&fstab, entry); break; } } freeFstab(*finalFstab); *finalFstab = copyFstab(&fstab); } /* If only one mountable partition exists, it would have been set up as root above so we can stop here */ numLinux = numMountable = 0; for (i = partNum = 0; i < table.count; i++) { if (table.parts[i].type == PART_EXT2) numMountable++, numLinux++; else if (table.parts[i].type == PART_DOS || table.parts[i].type == PART_HPFS) numMountable++; } if (!numMountable) { errorWindow("You don't have any mountable partitions!"); return INST_ERROR; } else if (!numLinux) { errorWindow("You don't have any Linux partitions available!"); return INST_ERROR; } else if (numMountable == 1) return 0; newtOpenWindow(2, 2, 75, 19, "Partition Disk"); f = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); text = newtTextbox(1, 1, 72, 4, NEWT_TEXTBOX_WRAP); newtTextboxSetText(text, "You may now mount other partitions within " "your filesystem. Many users like to use separate " "partitions for /usr and /home for example. You may " "also mount your DOS or OS/2 partitions to make them " "visible to Linux."); okay = newtButton(6, 15, "Ok"); addnfs = newtButton(20, 15, "Add NFS"); edit = newtButton(38, 15, "Edit"); cancel = newtButton(54, 15, "Cancel"); sprintf(buf, basicFormat, "Device", "Size", "Partition type", "Mount point"); label = newtLabel(1, 5, buf); listbox = newtListbox(1, 6, 8, NEWT_LISTBOX_RETURNEXIT); fstabEntNum = malloc(table.count * sizeof(*fstabEntNum)); for (i = partNum = 0; i < table.count; i++) { if (table.parts[i].type == PART_EXT2 || table.parts[i].type == PART_DOS || table.parts[i].type == PART_HPFS) { for (j = 0; j < fstab.numEntries; j++) if (!strcmp(table.parts[i].device, fstab.entries[j].device)) break; if (j < fstab.numEntries) { fstabNum = j; } else { initFstabEntry(&entry); entry.device = strdup(table.parts[i].device); entry.size = table.parts[i].size; entry.type = table.parts[i].type; entry.tagName = table.parts[i].tagName; fstabNum = addFstabEntry(&fstab, entry); } sprintf(buf, devFormat, table.parts[i].device, table.parts[i].size, table.parts[i].tagName, fstab.entries[fstabNum].mntpoint ? fstab.entries[fstabNum].mntpoint : ""); fstabEntNum[partNum] = fstabNum; newtListboxAddEntry(listbox, buf, fstabEntNum + partNum); partNum++; } } newtFormAddComponents(f, text, label, listbox, okay, addnfs, edit, cancel, NULL); do { answer = newtRunForm(f); if (answer == listbox || answer == edit) { numptr = newtListboxGetCurrent(listbox); curr = fstab.entries + *numptr; if (curr->type == PART_NFS) { editNetMountPoint(curr); sprintf(buf, nfsFormat, curr->device, curr->tagName, curr->mntpoint); } else { editDeviceMountPoint(curr); sprintf(buf, devFormat, curr->device, curr->size, curr->tagName, curr->mntpoint ? curr->mntpoint : ""); } newtListboxSetEntry(listbox, numptr - fstabEntNum, buf); } else if (answer == addnfs) { initFstabEntry(&entry); entry.type = PART_NFS; entry.tagName = "NFS Mount"; entry.device = NULL; entry.mntpoint = NULL; if (!intf->isConfigured) { rc = bringUpNetworking(intf, netc, dl); } else { rc = 0; } if (!rc && !editNetMountPoint(&entry)) { fstabNum = addFstabEntry(&fstab, entry); fstabEntNum = realloc(fstabEntNum, sizeof(*fstabEntNum) * fstabNum); sprintf(buf, nfsFormat, entry.device, entry.tagName, entry.mntpoint); newtListboxAddEntry(listbox, buf, fstabEntNum + fstabNum); /*newtListboxSetCurrent(listbox, fstabNum);*/ } } else if (answer != cancel) { answer = okay; for (i = 0; i < fstab.numEntries; i++) if (fstab.entries[i].mntpoint && !strcmp(fstab.entries[i].mntpoint, "/")) break; if (i == fstab.numEntries) { winMessage(30, 7, 30, 10, "No Root Partition", "You must assign a root (/) partition for the " "install to proceed."); answer = NULL; continue; } hasdups = 0; for (i = 0; i < fstab.numEntries; i++) for (j = i + 1; j < fstab.numEntries; j++) if (fstab.entries[i].type != PART_SWAP && fstab.entries[i].mntpoint && fstab.entries[j].mntpoint && !strcmp(fstab.entries[i].mntpoint, fstab.entries[j].mntpoint)) hasdups = 1; if (hasdups) { winMessage(30, 7, 30, 10, "Duplicate Mounts", "You may not use the same mount point multiple " "times."); answer = NULL; } } } while (answer != okay && answer != cancel); newtFormDestroy(f); newtPopWindow(); free(fstabEntNum); if (answer == cancel) { freeFstab(fstab); return INST_CANCEL; } freeFstab(*finalFstab); *finalFstab = copyFstab(&fstab); freeFstab(fstab); /* Sort by mount point. This makes mounting everything in the proper order trivial */ qsort(finalFstab->entries, finalFstab->numEntries, sizeof(*finalFstab->entries), fstabCmp); return 0; } static int mkExt2Filesystem(char * dev) { char * mke2fsargs[] = { "mke2fs", NULL, NULL, NULL}; int rc; char message[80]; mke2fsargs[1] = alloca(strlen(dev) + 6); strcpy(mke2fsargs[1], "/tmp/"); strcat(mke2fsargs[1], dev); if (badBlocks) mke2fsargs[2] = "-c"; sprintf(message, "Making ext2 filesystem on /dev/%s...", dev); winStatus(45, 3, "Running", message); devMakeInode(dev, mke2fsargs[1]); rc = runProgram(RUN_LOG, "/usr/bin/mke2fs", mke2fsargs); devRemoveInode(mke2fsargs[1]); newtPopWindow(); if (rc) return INST_ERROR; else return 0; } int queryFormatFilesystems(struct fstab * fstab) { newtComponent form, checkList, okay, cancel, sb, text, answer; newtComponent checkbox; char * states; char doCheck = ' '; newtComponent * checks; char buf[80]; int i, top; newtOpenWindow(11, 2, 57, 19, "Format Partitions"); form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); if (fstab->numEntries > 4) sb = newtVerticalScrollbar(47, 7, 4, 9, 10); else sb = NULL; checkList = newtForm(sb, NULL, 0); newtFormSetHeight(checkList, 4); if (sb) newtFormAddComponent(checkList, sb); text = newtTextbox(1, 1, 55, 6, NEWT_TEXTBOX_WRAP); newtTextboxSetText(text, "What partitions would you like to " "format? We strongly suggest formatting all of the " "system partitions, including /, /usr, and /var. There " "is no need to format /home or /usr/local if they " "have already been configured during a previous " "install."); checks = alloca(sizeof(newtComponent) * fstab->numEntries); states = alloca(sizeof(char) * fstab->numEntries); for (i = 0, top = 0; i < fstab->numEntries; i++) { if (fstab->entries[i].doFormat) states[i] = '*'; else states[i] = ' '; if (fstab->entries[i].type == PART_EXT2) { sprintf(buf, "/dev/%-5s %-33s", fstab->entries[i].device, fstab->entries[i].mntpoint); checks[i] = newtCheckbox(3, 7 + top++, buf, states[i], NULL, &states[i]); newtFormAddComponent(checkList, checks[i]); } else { checks[i] = NULL; } } okay = newtButton(12, 14, "Ok"); cancel = newtButton(34, 14, "Cancel"); checkbox = newtCheckbox(10, 12, "Check for bad blocks during format", badBlocks ? '*' : ' ', NULL, &doCheck); newtFormAddComponents(form, text, checkList, checkbox, okay, cancel, NULL); answer = newtRunForm(form); newtFormDestroy(form); newtPopWindow(); if (answer == cancel) return INST_CANCEL; for (i = 0; i < fstab->numEntries; i++) { if (states[i] != ' ') fstab->entries[i].doFormat = 1; } if (doCheck == ' ') badBlocks = 0; else badBlocks = 1; return 0; } int formatFilesystems(struct fstab * fstab) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fstab->numEntries; i++) { if (fstab->entries[i].doFormat) mkExt2Filesystem(fstab->entries[i].device); } return 0; } int doMount(char * dev, char * where, char * fs, int rdonly, int istty) { return doPwMount(dev, where, fs, rdonly, istty, NULL, NULL); } int doPwMount(char * dev, char * where, char * fs, int rdonly, int istty, char * acct, char * pw) { char * buf = NULL; int isnfs = 0; char * mount_opt = NULL; long int flag; char * chptr; if (!strcmp(fs, "nfs")) isnfs = 1; logMessage("mounting %s on %s as type %s", dev, where, fs); if (testing) { messageWindow("Test mount", "I would mount /dev/%s on %s", "using a(n) %s filesystem.", dev, where, fs); } else if (!strcmp(fs, "smb")) { mkdirChain(where); if (!acct) acct = "guest"; if (!pw) pw = ""; buf = alloca(strlen(dev) + 1); strcpy(buf, dev); chptr = buf; while (*chptr && *chptr != ':') chptr++; if (!*chptr) { logMessage("bad smb mount point %s", where); return 0; } *chptr = '\0'; chptr++; #ifdef __i386__ logMessage("mounting smb filesystem from %s path %s on %s", buf, chptr, where); return smbmount(buf, chptr, acct, pw, "localhost", where); #else errorWindow("smbfs only works on Intel machines"); #endif } else { mkdirChain(where); if (!isnfs && *dev == '/') { buf = dev; } else if (!isnfs) { buf = alloca(200); strcpy(buf, "/tmp/"); strcat(buf, dev); if (devMakeInode(dev, buf)) return 1; } else { char * junk = NULL; int morejunk = 0; buf = dev; logMessage("calling nfsmount(%s, %s, &morejunk, &junk, &mount_opt)", buf, where); if (nfsmount(buf, where, &morejunk, &junk, &mount_opt)) logMessage("\tnfsmount returned non-zero"); } flag = MS_MGC_VAL; if (rdonly) flag |= MS_RDONLY; logMessage("calling mount(%s, %s, %s, %ld, %p)", buf, where, fs, flag, mount_opt); if (mount(buf, where, fs, flag, mount_opt)) { if (istty) { fprintf(stderr, "mount failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } else { messageWindow("Error", perrorstr("mount failed")); } return 1; } if (!isnfs) devRemoveInode(buf); } return 0; } int mountFilesystems(struct fstab * fstab) { int i; char buf[1000]; /* don't bother mounting odd (non-ext2) filesystems - we don't need them for installs */ /* what about NFS? we should probably mount them to check mount integrity, but we don't know if networking is working well enough for us to do this */ chdir("/"); for (i = 0; i < fstab->numEntries; i++) { strcpy(buf, "/mnt"); strcat(buf, fstab->entries[i].mntpoint); if (fstab->entries[i].type == PART_EXT2 || fstab->entries[i].type == PART_NFS ) { if (fstab->entries[i].type == PART_EXT2 && !doMount(fstab->entries[i].device, buf, "ext2", 0, 0)) fstab->entries[i].isMounted = 1; else if (fstab->entries[i].type == PART_NFS && !doMount(fstab->entries[i].device, buf, "nfs", 0, 0)) fstab->entries[i].isMounted = 1; else { logMessage("unmounting all filesystems due to mount error"); umountFilesystems(fstab); return INST_ERROR; } } else { logMessage("creating directory %s", buf); mkdirChain(buf); } } return 0; } int umountFilesystems(struct fstab * fstab) { char buf[1000]; int i; int olderrno; logMessage("unmounting all filesystems"); chdir("/"); if (testing) return 0; for (i = fstab->numEntries - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (fstab->entries[i].isMounted) { strcpy(buf, "/mnt"); strcat(buf, fstab->entries[i].mntpoint); fstab->entries[i].isMounted = 0; if (umount(buf)) { olderrno = errno; logMessage("error unmounting %s: %s\n", buf, strerror(errno)); errno = olderrno; errorWindow("error unmounting filesystem: %s"); } } } return 0; } static int mkdirChain(char * origChain) { char * chain; char * chptr; chain = alloca(strlen(origChain) + 1); strcpy(chain, origChain); chptr = chain; if (testing) return 0; while ((chptr = strchr(chptr, '/'))) { *chptr = '\0'; if (mkdirIfNone(chain)) { *chptr = '/'; return INST_ERROR; } *chptr = '/'; chptr++; } if (mkdirIfNone(chain)) return INST_ERROR; return 0; } static int mkdirIfNone(char * directory) { int rc, mkerr; char * chptr; /* If the file exists it *better* be a directory -- I'm not going to actually check or anything */ if (!access(directory, X_OK)) return 0; /* if the path is '/' we get ENOFILE not found" from mkdir, rather then EEXIST which is weird */ for (chptr = directory; *chptr; chptr++) if (*chptr != '/') break; if (!*chptr) return 0; rc = mkdir(directory, 0755); mkerr = errno; logMessage("creating directory %s rc = %d", directory, rc); if (!rc || mkerr == EEXIST) return 0; logMessage(" error: %s", strerror(mkerr)); return INST_ERROR; } int writeFstab(struct fstab * fstab) { int i; FILE * f; int fd; char * fs = NULL; int freq = 0; int passno = 0; int bad; char buf[4096]; char * chptr, * cddev = NULL; char * devFormat = "/dev/%-18s %-23s %-7s %-15s %d %d\n"; char * nfsFormat = "%-23s %-23s %-7s %-15s %d %d\n"; char * procFormat = "%-23s %-23s %-7s %-15s %d %d\n"; char * options; char * format; logMessage("scanning /proc/mounts for iso9660 filesystems"); fd = open("/proc/mounts", O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { logMessage("\terror opening /proc/mounts -- skipping check: %s", strerror(errno)); } else { i = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); if (i < 0) { logMessage("\terror reading /proc/mounts -- skipping check: %s", strerror(errno)); } else { buf[i] = 0; if ((chptr = strstr(buf, "iso9660"))) { chptr--; /* skip the mount point */ while (*chptr == ' ') chptr--; while (*chptr != ' ') chptr--; while (*chptr == ' ') chptr--; chptr++; *chptr = '\0'; while (*chptr != '/') chptr--; cddev = strdup(chptr + 1); logMessage("found mounted cdrom drive %s", cddev); } } } #ifndef __sparc__ if (!cddev) { if (findAtapi(&cddev)) cddev = NULL; } #endif if (!cddev) { if (findSCSIcdrom(&cddev)) cddev = NULL; } if (testing) { if (cddev) free(cddev); return 0; } logMessage("creating /etc/fstab"); f = fopen("/mnt/etc/fstab", "w"); if (!f) { if (cddev) free(cddev); errorWindow("error creating /mnt/etc/fstab"); return INST_ERROR; } for (i = 0; i < fstab->numEntries; i++) { if (!fstab->entries[i].mntpoint) continue; passno = 0; freq = 0; format = devFormat; options = "defaults"; bad = 0; switch (fstab->entries[i].type) { case PART_EXT2: freq = 1; fs = "ext2"; if (!strcmp(fstab->entries[i].mntpoint, "/")) passno = 1; else passno = 2; break; case PART_NFS: fs = "nfs"; options = "ro"; format = nfsFormat; break; case PART_SWAP: fs = "swap"; break; case PART_DOS: fs = "msdos"; break; case PART_HPFS: fs = "hpfs"; break; default: bad = 1; } if (!bad) fprintf(f, format, fstab->entries[i].device, fstab->entries[i].mntpoint, fs, options, freq, passno); } fprintf(f, devFormat, "fd0", "/mnt/floppy", "ext2", "noauto", 0, 0); if (cddev) { if (mkdir("/mnt/mnt/cdrom", 0755)) logMessage("failed to mkdir /mnt/mnt/cdrom: %s", strerror(errno)); if (symlink(cddev, "/mnt/dev/cdrom")) logMessage("failed to symlink /mnt/dev/cdrom: %s", strerror(errno)); fprintf(f, devFormat, "cdrom", "/mnt/cdrom", "iso9660", "noauto,ro", 0, 0); free(cddev); } fprintf(f, procFormat, "none", "/proc", "proc", "defaults", 0, 0); fclose(f); return 0; } int addFstabEntry(struct fstab * fstab, struct fstabEntry entry) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fstab->numEntries; i++) if (!strcmp(entry.device, fstab->entries[i].device)) break; if (i == fstab->numEntries) { fstab->numEntries++; if (fstab->numEntries > 1) fstab->entries = realloc(fstab->entries, sizeof(entry) * fstab->numEntries); else fstab->entries = malloc(sizeof(entry)); } fstab->entries[i] = entry; return i; } int activeSwapSpace(struct partitionTable * table, struct fstab * finalFstab) { newtComponent form, checkList, okay, cancel, sb, text, answer, label; newtComponent check, partition, cont, checkbox; char * states; char buf[80]; int i, top, j; struct fstabEntry entry; struct fstabEntry ** entries; struct fstab fstab; static int firstTime = 1; static int chkBadBlocks = 1; char doCheck = ' '; fstab = copyFstab(finalFstab); form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); for (i = j = 0; i < table->count; i++) if (table->parts[i].type == PART_SWAP) j++; if (!j) { newtOpenWindow(18, 6, 44, 10, "Setup Swap"); text = newtTextbox(1, 1, 42, 3, NEWT_TEXTBOX_WRAP); newtTextboxSetText(text, "You don't have any swap space defined. Would " "you like to continue, or repartition your disk?"); cont = newtButton(6, 6, "Continue"); partition = newtButton(25, 6, "Cancel"); form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); newtFormAddComponents(form, text, cont, partition, NULL); answer = newtRunForm(form); newtFormDestroy(form); newtPopWindow(); if (answer == partition) return INST_CANCEL; return 0; } newtOpenWindow(15, 4, 54, 15, "Active Swap Space"); if (j > 3) sb = newtVerticalScrollbar(47, 7, 3, 9, 10); else sb = NULL; checkList = newtForm(sb, NULL, 0); newtFormSetHeight(checkList, 3); if (sb) newtFormAddComponent(checkList, sb); text = newtTextbox(1, 1, 52, 4, NEWT_TEXTBOX_WRAP); newtTextboxSetText(text, "What partitions would you like to " "use for swap space? This will destroy any " "information already on the partition."); label = newtLabel(4, 5, " Device Begin End Size (k)"); states = alloca(sizeof(char) * table->count); entries = alloca(sizeof(*entries) * table->count); for (i = 0, top = 0; i < table->count; i++) { if (table->parts[i].type != PART_SWAP) continue; for (j = 0; j < fstab.numEntries; j++) if (!strcmp(table->parts[i].device, fstab.entries[j].device)) break; if ((j < fstab.numEntries && fstab.entries[j].mntpoint) || (firstTime && !testing)) states[i] = '*'; else states[i] = ' '; if (j < fstab.numEntries) entries[i] = fstab.entries + j; else entries[i] = NULL; sprintf(buf, "/dev/%-5s %9d %9d %9d", table->parts[i].device, table->parts[i].begin, table->parts[i].end, table->parts[i].size); check = newtCheckbox(2, 6 + top++, buf, states[i], NULL, &states[i]); newtFormAddComponent(checkList, check); } firstTime = 0; checkbox = newtCheckbox(2, 9, "Check for bad blocks during format", chkBadBlocks ? '*' : ' ', NULL, &doCheck); okay = newtButton(9, 11, "Ok"); cancel = newtButton(28, 11, "Cancel"); newtFormAddComponents(form, text, label, checkList, checkbox, okay, cancel, NULL); answer = newtRunForm(form); newtFormDestroy(form); newtPopWindow(); chkBadBlocks = (doCheck != ' '); if (answer == cancel) { freeFstab(fstab); return INST_CANCEL; } for (i = 0; i < table->count; i++) { if (table->parts[i].type != PART_SWAP) continue; if (states[i] != ' ') { if (entries[i]) entries[i]->mntpoint = strdup("swap"); else { initFstabEntry(&entry); entry.device = strdup(table->parts[i].device); entry.size = table->parts[i].size; entry.type = table->parts[i].type; entry.tagName = table->parts[i].tagName; entry.mntpoint = strdup("swap"); addFstabEntry(&fstab, entry); } } else if (entries[i]) { free(entries[i]->mntpoint); entries[i]->mntpoint = NULL; } } if (canEnableSwap) { for (i = 0; i < fstab.numEntries; i++) { if (fstab.entries[i].type == PART_SWAP && fstab.entries[i].mntpoint) { enableswap(fstab.entries[i].device, 0, chkBadBlocks); canEnableSwap = 0; } } } freeFstab(*finalFstab); *finalFstab = copyFstab(&fstab); freeFstab(fstab); return 0; }